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Be Anxious For Nothing. Pray About Everything!

I've been struggling with writing, since my Daddy's death, but the Lord has prompted me to share what He has done in our lives, in these past few months. 

In November, a dear friend of ours kicked cancer in the face! In December, I lost my Daddy. In February, my husband lost his job at T-Mobile and his unemployment was denied. On the 4th of July a old bathroom pipe busted; causing a flood in our home and last week, I was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and still, we praised Jesus. But the truth is, there were times, where we became anxious (well, mostly me). But let me ask you this, how often have you gone through things in your life where you became anxious? Have you ever worried about being short or late on paying your rent or your bills? Do you worry over your children? How about any wayward family or friends? How about your health? your school? The list goes on and on. Truth is, many of us are no stranger to anxiety, it creeps in over big and little things, gnawing away at our insides. Anxiety is like a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind and if encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all others thoughts are drained.

Being anxious... is experiencing worry, typically over an imminent event or something with a uncertain outcome. 

In May, the Lord prompted someone; to bless us with the opportunity to attend our 2nd annual marriage retreat. As we were welcomed in; we were asked to choose a card. When we opened our card, we received this promise from the Lord; it's in Philippians 4:6 - " Don’t be anxious about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." My husband and I looked at each other and smiled... We knew the Lord was with us. Yet, how many times, have we been there? In those silent moments where we question the Lord's presence? I'll be honest.. I've asked the Lord, are you listening to my hearts cry? I miss my Dad, our unemployment was denied, how will we pay our rent and bills? a now this flood? And instantaneously, I remembered; Psalm 107:19 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. In God's word, we find His peace, comfort, hope and strength. You see, things could "always be worse" But. God's grace is deeper than our understanding. Our finite minds, will never understand Gods infinite ways. The Lord would go on, to confirm His promise in Philippians to me yet again as I was looking through some old papers. I stumbled upon a note I received from a Christian woman, a couple years ago; it had two promises and one of them was Philippians 4:6. -- and in June, My husband had the opportunity to attend Centinela State Prison's Outreach with our Pastor and a few brothers. Before, they made their way back home, my hubby was given a prayer request form to fill out, it had praying hands and the promise on the top of his form was " Philippians 4:6. " I can't explain what that did to my husband's heart; and it was the 1st thing he shared with me when he arrived home. Our God is bold. He is faithful. He means what He says; and says what He means. He tests our faith. There are some tests that are harder and longer than others, but nonetheless, He will walk through the fire with us and see us through til the end.

Philippians 4:6 - is a command; not an option. In order to experience God’s peace instead of anxiety, pray with thankfulness about every concern. There are three key words in these verses that reveal the theme: Anxious, prayer, and, peace. Being anxious is the problem we are told to put off; prayer is the procedure we are told to practice; and peace is what we are promised by God.

Remember, my dear friend who kicked cancer in the face? She taught me to be still, to trust, not to be anxious and to cry when I needed to! She is now in remission; the beautiful thing is that our battles belong to the Lord. She continues to be amazing and my hero!! Love you Jackie!! 

My Dad? Oh my Daddy, what can I tell you? I miss him so much. I've never known a pain like this. Please pray for me, I haven't had the courage to go to the cemetery yet. But Praise God,  I am one day closer to hugging him again! 

My husband? Well, when the doors closed for us at T-Mobile; it was exactly one full year; February 2016 to February 2017. He got to share the gospel in that full year, pray for customers and bring God all the honor and glory. We clearly heard the Lord say... "Son, your time is done here."  The Lord blessed him with construction jobs through good friends who hired him; which helped us to pay our rent and bills on time. We are thankful for the friends the Lord has blessed us with and as a wife, I am proud and grateful for my hardworking man who provides for our family. I think of  1 Samuel 15:22 " Obedience is greater than sacrifice" . The Lord prompted friends, to bless us with monetary gifts. We were in awe! And our kids got to witness Gods faithfulness 1st hand!! So amazing! Once, my hubby even took JD to do some yard work and earn his keep. I love that our son gets to see humility and hard work; honoring the Lord above else. And today, I am proud to announce, after praying and waiting for two years the Lord has opened the doors for my husband at Kaiser Permanente as an  Appointment Clerk.  My prayer for my beloved, is that he goes on to finish attaining his B.A. at The University of Laverne and may the Lords will be done in his new career path.

Oh and that horrible flood on the 4th? Actually turned out to be a huge blessing! The owners blessed us with new carpet. The Lord truly works everything out for His own! 

Praise Jesus, I'm better, from being sick these past few days.. but it's like I shared with you earlier.. "Things can always be worse". Thanking God for all of it! I'm not sure what's to come next, but what I do know is that God's promises are Yes and Amen and He will be faithful to meet each of us, exactly where we need Him most.

Can I encourage you today, to stand firm in God's promises. Let's strive "not to be anxious about anything, but instead pray about everything ( and I mean every little thing). Wake up, thank the Lord for what He has already done in your life, as you let your requests (that He already knows are in your heart) be known to Him in prayer. Don't run this race alone, we were created to be united not divided. It's in those hard times, we need one another the most. Be honest; ask for prayer and watch the Lord's hand move in His perfect time. 

I leave you with a song and a few photos; bringing to life this blog about Gods faithfulness to His children. It's by  Mercy Me came to mind.. It's called:
" Even If "--

Phil 4:6 - 1st time
Marriage Retreat
Phil 4:6 - 2nd time
(plus an added sweet reminder)

Phil 4:6 - 3rd time
Centinela Prayer Form 
 The Lord is faithful. We just need to be obedient to His voice of truth. 

The Day of the flood

Love you my friend! 

I miss you Daddy!
We are one day closer Papi.

Congratulations to my Love!!
 Kaiser Permanente's New Hire!
All Glory to Jesus!! 


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