He is God! He is Good! Ten years ago this year, I surrendered my heart to Jesus Christ at a Good Friday evening service by Pastor Pancho at Montebello Park. I was alone and at the altar call, I ran like my life depended upon it, because it truly did. My life as I knew it, would change, forever. At first I couldn't imagine what was "Good" about hurting my Jesus and brutally beating Him all the way to the Cross. But, the Good in "Good Friday" is that God made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God. Wow!! That just blows my mind!! Seriously!! Christ never sinned! But He was treated like a sinner all the way to the Cross so that you and I can live a life of unconditional love, faith, hope, mercy, grace in peace with our Savior. Our Heavenly Father wants all of us to have an opportunity to know Jesus personally by receiving Him into our he...
I am a servant, wife and mom who is passionate about God. My sole purpose and desire is to write about the goodness and faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Matthew 6:33 - Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well.