I wanted to share an experience I had today as an encouragement to you, that God is always listening to our heart and speaks to us in many different ways.
Today, as I'm walking and praying, headed towards my van at Wal-Marts parking lot, this beautiful, joyful looking, yellow butterfly begins flying around me a few times. Shortly thereafter, I begin to specifically pray for the Holy Spirit to confirm certain heart concerned prayers I've been praying over; to include His infinite wisdom, direction and strength upon me.
I prayed, Lord, would You kindly have this beautiful yellow, joyful, looking butterfly fly its way back towards me again. Thank You Abba. Amen.
It's like I needed a sign. You know what I mean? Ever been there? Sometimes you just need a double dosage of the Holy Spirit. So anyway, I drive off, still praying and as I come to the red stop light, guess who flies right in front of my windshield? I mean literally in front of me, circling around with its beautiful yellow wings as she, ever so gracefully flies away?? Yes!!! It was a beautiful, joyful looking, yellow butterfly. I say, "Joyful" because she brought me joy at just the right time.
God is so Good. He meets us so intimately. I'm thankful that for Jesus, there is no prayer too small or insignificant. I love how He confirms His power. Our Lord is Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. There is power in prayer. The Name of Jesus has great power. I love Psalm 116:2- "Because He bents down to listen; I will pray as long as I have breath". God hears our hearts cry, our joys, our desires and our struggles. Whatever we go through, our Abba Daddy is with us; even in those times you may feel alone.
Tonight, at Church, our brother taught out of the book of John; the story about; "Thomas" or otherwise known as: "Doubting Thomas". And we know how much he doubted the Lord. Do you doubt God at times? The bible says in John 20:24, that Thomas was not with the others when Jesus came, meaning he was alone. Why was he alone though? Whenever we are bummed out, discouraged, we need to be careful or we can fall into a pity party; no one will come to. Truth is, I was feeling a little bummed out today, so I reached out to friends for prayer. Why? Because we need one another. We grow together, when we are authentic; keeping ourselves accountable. Don't be too proud, to ask for prayer.
Are you in a season of waiting? Do you need to see, in order to believe? 2 Corinthians 5:7 reminds us "Walk by Faith. Not By Sight. I'm thankful for today, for the women in my life who pray without question, and for the living hope, I have in Jesus.
After today's personal touch from Jesus, I researched the meaning of a yellow butterfly and I was in awe yet again. I totally began crying. Because my God is so personal and so Good!!
"A yellow butterfly symbolizes hope and guidance.
In early Christianity, it was a symbol of the soul."
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