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Showing posts from October 26, 2014

The Obedience Of A Great Man Of Faith!

Today, at Church, guest Pastor, Bill Buffington took us to the beginning where a Dad was asked by God to give up his son by faith. In the book of Genesis, chapter 22 we read about Abraham's BOLD FAITH.   The message was titled: " It's Test Time". Are you being tested right now? Do you feel as if God has you in a difficult place? Hang tight!! The blessings that will come from your obedience, will have been worth it all for His names sake. Testings are good, because they show us where we need strengthening in our faith.  God asked something very difficult of Abraham and Abraham didn't skip a beat. He was obedient, point blank. Can we say the same, when God asks us to do something? Some of us like our Christian walk to be "safe", but being safe doesn't stretch us, nor does it help us to grow. Stepping out in faith, now that's taking a leap into Gods perfect will even when we don't understand His plan.  Every circumstance me...