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Showing posts from October 19, 2014

70 Years and a Daughters Love!

Honor your father and mother - Exodus 20:12 Her children rise up and call her blessed - Proverbs 31:8 Yesterday, as we celebrated 70 years of my Mami Teresa's priceless life, I was able to share a few words of gratitude for the woman she is and how much I value her life. My Mami has a huge heart. She will give you her last dollar, if you needed it, hands down! She always, says... "Ah! Money comes and goes" but God is always faithful. Great woman of faith and strong in every way! I love and praise her! I call her blessed and I treasure our time together.  In my youth and into my early years of adulthood, I grieved my Mami's heart many times. Growing up, I can remember being so defiant. I rebelled and cried myself to sleep many nights. I was angry at how our life would turn around, leaving my Mama, Brother and I to live without a head in our home. My Mami and I didn't have the best communication, per se, but she tried her best to have us understand ...