My Papa and Babies
Hi Gang! Well, it's been well over six months, since I've blogged. But I was prompted to share a few thoughts with you about honoring our parents, today. In Exodus 20:12, God commands this: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you" . God exhorts us to honor our father and mother. He values honoring parents enough to include it in the Ten Commandments. Honoring our parents means, we choose to place a great value upon our relationship with them. We make the necessary efforts to stay connected. We sacrifice for their well being. We help them in any way that we can. We forgive, love and honor them.
A way to a mans heart is through is stomach
100% truth!
Yesterday my Dad came over for lunch, and as I sat across our kitchen table, watching my Daddy eat one of his favorite meals, my heart was overwhelmed with joy. We served him: arroz con tocino, patitas de puerco guisa con habichuelas blancas y pollito, His tummy was full, as was his heart. You see, my relationship with my Pops wasn't always a close knit one and so I am very thankful to God for restoring our relationship.
My parents divorced when I was seven. My mom never remarried, but my Daddy did. Growing up, I had so much resentment in my heart towards him. I had ill feelings of abandonment and I didn't know how to deal with any of them. I became very guarded. I would annihilate my relationships, in fear that they'd want to leave me first. Today, I realize what a fool I was. I was never alone. God had His hand upon my life from a long time ago, only thing was... I was blind. Praise God today, I can see the importance of family and the value of our parents. They birthed us. God chose them for us. We must honor them. No excuses.
Our Heavenly Daddy wants the best for us. If you have a void in your heart from past hurts, or perhaps there are unresolved issues you have with your dad, mom, grandparents, caretakers, stepparents, {whoever took care of you growing up}, be encouraged that God wants to heal your heart and give you His peace within these relationships. Are they living today? How is your relationship with your parents? Do you make the efforts to connect with them as often as you should? Every family will have it's own troubles, but troubles should never get in the way of our obedience to Gods commandments.
Perhaps, you don't have a relationship with your parents, maybe you're holding unto unforgiveness for something that happened a long time ago. Maybe, they are hurt with you, but don't know how to talk to you about it. I tell you, that God is pleased when we honor our parents and no matter what they did, didn't do, or haven't done... We need to obey God and honor them.
If I could pass along a message to all of you who've felt the pain and shame of a poor, father/daughter or father/son relationship, the message would be in two parts: 1. It's not your fault. 2. You were just a kid. All kids deserve to be loved and protected. Don't blame yourself for what your father did or didn't do. Write about it, talk about it -- turn it into art. By sharing our wounds we open up our hearts and healing happens. I know, I've seen and lived it firsthand.
The bottom line is this: A negative relationship with your father will only come to define you if you let it. Don't let the past determine your present, and your future. As believers, we have the power to set the course of our lives. Remember that -- we have the power of the Holy Spirit.
I love my Daddy. I am honored, blessed, humbled and thankful to be able to serve him with a forgiven heart. I thank God daily for both my parents and although, I didn't come from a two parent household, I still praise my Jesus, because I am free from those ill feelings. All for His Glory!
Grampa Cheyo
Blessed our babies have him.
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