Today, at Church, guest Pastor, Bill Buffington took us to the beginning where a Dad was asked by God to give up his son by faith. In the book of Genesis, chapter 22 we read about Abraham's BOLD FAITH.
The message was titled: " It's Test Time". Are you being tested right now? Do you feel as if God has you in a difficult place? Hang tight!! The blessings that will come from your obedience, will have been worth it all for His names sake. Testings are good, because they show us where we need strengthening in our faith.
God asked something very difficult of Abraham and Abraham didn't skip a beat. He was obedient, point blank. Can we say the same, when God asks us to do something? Some of us like our Christian walk to be "safe", but being safe doesn't stretch us, nor does it help us to grow. Stepping out in faith, now that's taking a leap into Gods perfect will even when we don't understand His plan.
Every circumstance mentioned in this story was calculated to give a deeper stab to the parental bosom. To lose his only son, and by an act of his own hand, too!--what a host of conflicting feelings must the order have raised! But he heard and obeyed without a murmur. Abraham's faith is a great testament to us believers. His faith is an act of radical obedience that has faded in some of us Christians today.
We say we know and love God, but do we, really? How well are we responding to the testings that come are way? When push comes to shove? Is our life reflecting a lifestyle of worship? I can tell you that I have failed horribly in some of my tests! I have asked God, why Lord? But now, I ask... What are you teaching me through this test God? God wants for us to continue growing in Him. It doesn't matter how long we've been walking with Him. We always have room for growth. And that's why we are always going to be facing one test or another. Today, we were reminded that worship isn't only a time of adoration and singing Him praises, it's also an act of obeying God. If we want to SCREAM that we LOVE GOD... then we need to be obedient to Him. You know how that saying goes... " Actions speak louder than words" it's really true, they do. God could have possibly told Abraham His entire plan in all of this, because He's God, but He didn't. He wanted Abraham to trust in Him.
God will allow for us to be in difficult places to test our faith. But, keep in mind that God always comes through, it may be at the very last minute, like He did for Abraham, by providing the ram as the sacrifice and there will also be some tests that we fail, but Praise God that we have Him to lift us up and help us walk again.
God asked something really hard of Abraham, but Abraham willingly moved forward. God will do that in our lives today as well. I don't know if it's to sacrifice a child (Lord knows that would be a hard place to be as a parent), but it'll be something He wants you to give up so He can be #1 in your life. He wants to be Supreme. He loves you and wants all of your heart.
Father, I know you will prepare us for the tests that are yet to come. I pray that You equip us as we face them one by one. May we have a daily hunger for a heart of worship for You. Give us the strength we need to continue in this race and help us Lord, to be bold in our faith, without wavering. Amen.
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