Honor your father and mother - Exodus 20:12
Her children rise up and call her blessed - Proverbs 31:8
Yesterday, as we celebrated 70 years of my Mami Teresa's priceless life, I was able to share a few words of gratitude for the woman she is and how much I value her life. My Mami has a huge heart. She will give you her last dollar, if you needed it, hands down! She always, says... "Ah! Money comes and goes" but God is always faithful. Great woman of faith and strong in every way! I love and praise her! I call her blessed and I treasure our time together.
In my youth and into my early years of adulthood, I grieved my Mami's heart many times. Growing up, I can remember being so defiant. I rebelled and cried myself to sleep many nights. I was angry at how our life would turn around, leaving my Mama, Brother and I to live without a head in our home. My Mami and I didn't have the best communication, per se, but she tried her best to have us understand that we were going to be okay, no matter what! We had God, we had a roof over our heads and food on our table. We, had, one another.
I started drinking, ditching school and acting out of control. This woman, right here, would rub my back as I upchucked the poison and foolishness out of my system from the night before. I was a mess and she just loved me. She tried her best. Yes, she'd scold me and try to put boundaries. I would comply for a short period of time, before I was at it all over again.
At the age of 21, I moved out on my own. We cried, alot. I'd miss her, for sure. But I swore, leaving was the best move for me. Boy! Was I wrong! For many years, I'd continue drinking and using drugs. The use of my addiction, would keep me away from seeing her. When I would make my way to visit my Mami, her friends would try to council her about my state of being. My Mami was oblivious to it all, she was never raised around that kind of lifestyle, so she didn't know... but more than that, she didn't want to believe her baby girl was headed for self destruction.
Fast forward, the Lord has restored our relationship. I mean, really restored. I am still learning really cool stories from her youth and I have ONLY JESUS to thank for that! Coming to the Lord, FREE'd me from all the guilt and shame, it allowed me to be open with my Mami and because I have given her my heart transparently, she has reciprocated the same unto me. I understand that God had and still has plans for my Mami. As a Single Mom, she is my Greatest Hero! I admire her strength in God and I am still learning from her wisdom through Him.
Can I encourage you to give your Mom a call today? If she is still with you, give her a hug and a kiss. Be intentional about spending time together. If you are not in speaking terms right now, pray and seek God for His wisdom to make things right. If you feel that she is hard to get along with, ask God to change "your heart". It's not about us, it's about Jesus and He wants for us to LOVE! If your Mama is in Heaven, she is already with Jesus and I'm sure she would want you to continue rejoicing in knowing that and how wonderful to share all the great times you had together with others. Speaking heals and as a friend said to me today, time doesn't heal, God heals. She knows, her Mami is praising Jesus in Heaven right now.
The picture below holds an investment of 40+ years of friendship. My Titi Molly (lady with long blond hair next to my Mama) is family by past marriages. She is my Mami's Comadre as well. I was so blessed to see them all coming together and having sweet fellowship, without skipping a beat! We should all strive for these types of friendships. Don't wait for people to call you, you can also pick up the phone. You can send a quick note via text, make a call and have sweet phoneship, or you can meet for some coffeeship.
God wants for us to love and to be an example of is Son, Jesus Christ. What did Jesus do? He loved. He prayed. He forgave. He selflessly gave of Himself .
If you want to have JOY in your life, its really simple. Put this acronym into practice....
A Friend LOVES at ALL times! Proverbs 17:17
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