This morning, I clearly heard the Lord telling me to ask Jeremiah to sit with me and read His word together. We usually have devotions on Thursday night with my husband, but it's my responsibility as their Mommy to also sit with our kids. I confess that I am not consistent.
I read. I allow God to pour into me, but how selfish of me, not to include my kids in a more consist way! Well, that changes as of today! And you can keep me accountable. No! Really I challenge you, to challenge me! And don't you just LOVE IT when God speaks to you and then He totally sends confirmation afterward? The Lord, said... Read a Psalm and because today is July 8th, we read Psalm 8.
v.2 " Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants, You have ordained strength because of your enemies, that you may silence the enemy and the avenger".
Children (that's us) are able to trust and praise God without doubt or reservations. As we get older, many of us, find this more difficult to do in the face of adversity. I confess that I have failed, terribly at this! Why? Oh! Because at some point I take my eyes off of Jesus and then, boom! I begin to doubt! Friends, we cannot allow the trials we face rob us from the JOY and the beauty that comes from having a "Childlike Faith". No matter what age we are, let's run to our Abba Daddy with all of our hearts concerns. God already knows what's going on, because He has allowed it. For what reason? Only He knows, because it's all part of His perfect and divine plan for our lives. One thing I am certain of, the Lord poured into me today using our son, Jeremiah. Oh! From the mouths of babes!! came a sweet reminder that ... Liz, (insert your name) ask God for that childlike faith, removing all barriers! Continue steadfast in Him, in prayer and while you wait for Him to answer your prayers, continue to praise Him.
Oh how I love our Jesus!! Truly He's amazing at all He does. He is Holy! Our God is worthy of all our praise. When we go through trials, it's a time to reflect and allow God to do what He needs to do. He made everything beautiful. He knew our names before time and what we face is all part of His glorious design!! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory be His faithful name!!!
I asked J, about the picture I took... Baby, why so serious when you were reading? Mom, because God's word is to be taken seriously. Me? Oh. I just died!! And thanked God for giving me the honor to be this wonderful kids Mommy! Lord help me to be all that you've called me to be for him and Faith. Lord, strengthen me in my weakness and give me the wisdom I will need for years to come in raising them in Your ways. Amen.
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