What does longsuffering mean? There are different ways in which one can suffer long. But the fact that we will suffer, stands true. In this life, there will be many trials that come our way. I remember, I used to ask God, "Why Lord"? But now, my prayer is ... Show me what You want me to learn through my trials Jesus. I want to continue growing in You.
As Christians, we like the thought of sharing in Christ's glory, but what about sharing in His sufferings? Long suffering is love on trial, it's being patient. The real test of patience is not in the waiting, but how we act while we are waiting.
Websters defines, "Long Suffering" as: Suffering without complaint; very patient during hard times. Ouch! I admit that I have failed in my long sufferings. Trials can be hard, but they are needed in order for us to continue to grow and I've learned that... "Things can always be worse".
We suffer for different reasons. Here are just a few:
1. Self afflicted sin.
2. Another person's sin against you.
3. For the namesake of Jesus Christ.
When we find ourselves in a trial, we are in a waiting period. Waiting to hear from the Lord. Waiting to learn from our Teacher. I've been in a waiting period and in my waiting, I've endured pain. The Lord does a work and reveals things within you that need to go. There may be times, where you will want to quit. Don't! Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen you. In those times, I remember that I am loved by the Most High God, and that alone, reminds me that I don't need to fight. The battles belong to the Lord. I am so thankful for the conviction of the Holy Spirit, He keeps me spiritually alive.
God allows trials. They may be to stretch our faith, to make us stronger in Him, to teach us patience or humility. There'll be times when our suffering is a consequence from our own sin. Maybe God will allow you to suffer, to better equip you in comforting others in their suffering. And there will be times when we suffer for Christ's namesake.
Philippians 1:9 - For it has been granted for you to not only believe in Christ, but also to suffer for Him.
Friends, there are many reasons why God allows us to suffer. He knows what's best. He makes no mistakes. What do we do while we wait upon the Lord for the trial to pass? We pray. We serve. We rejoice. We stay accountable. We continue to run this race, because once you've tasted and seen how GOOD GOD is, there is no where else to go, but into His loving arms, within His Word. In Christ alone, we will find everything we need.
Are you currently in a trial? Are you longsuffering? Be encouraged that your tears are being stored in a bottle and nothing goes unseen from our Lord. He is merciful, graceful, compassionate, understanding and loving. He knows what you need and will come through in His timing.
No matter the reason, behind our suffering... Be encouraged in knowing that we will come out victorious. We will overcome, because we have God and He promises us the victory in His Son! 1 Cor 15:57- Thank God, He gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Will you doubt at times? Maybe. But in those moments of doubt, fear or weariness, stay accountable to God. He is with you. He loves you. He already knows what you are going through, He wants to hear you pray to Him. I've doubted. I've been hard on myself. But the one thing that keeps bringing me back, is HIS LOVE. It's unfailing. He is faithful. In His word, I find solace. I find all that I need in my Jesus. He is the anchor for my soul. Allow Him to be that for your soul too.
Me ♥
By the way... God knows my heart. Many times, He speaks to me through worship music. I've been praising Him with this beautiful song.
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