He is God! He is Good!
Ten years ago this year, I surrendered my heart to Jesus Christ at a Good
Friday evening service by Pastor Pancho at Montebello Park. I was alone and at
the altar call, I ran like my life depended upon it, because it truly
did. My life as I knew it, would change, forever.
At first I couldn't imagine what was "Good" about
hurting my Jesus and brutally beating Him all the way to the Cross. But, the
Good in "Good Friday" is that God made Him, who knew
no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of
God. Wow!! That just blows my mind!! Seriously!! Christ never sinned! But
He was treated like a sinner all the way to the Cross so that
you and I can live a life of unconditional love, faith, hope, mercy, grace in peace with our
Our Heavenly Father wants all of us to have an opportunity to know
Jesus personally by receiving Him into our hearts and living a life that brings
Him glory. In the past ten years so much has happened in my life. But the one
thing that has remained the same, is the Word of God. His truth is unchanging.
God is unchanging. Praise God! For He Is Good!!
The week of Good Friday, I got really sick with the flu. God
literally had me live out Psalm 46:10; Be Still and know that I Am
God. We all know this verse right? We encourage others with it? We
recite it back to ourselves, but how often are we really L.I.V.I.N.G. I.T. O.U.T? And how long are we being still? Waiting
on Him? We live in a micromanaged world, where we want to be
in control of everything. We want answers in popcorn seconds,
but seriously, that's not how God works. God has His own time
often do we come to the Lord with something, but we don't stop long enough to listen and
be still? With busyness come anxious
thoughts. It's been stated that we have upwards of 50,000 thoughts a day. Those
thoughts aren't always pretty, either. You know the ones; I can't believe I
messed up! I can't do it! It's too hard, I'm going to fail, But, Lord, there's
no money, why haven't I found a soul mate? Why are our children disobedient? Why haven't I received a raise or promotion? What are you
showing me through this Lord? I'm too old, I'm too young... And I'm sure there
are many others... We must learn to tell our thoughts to "Shut up!"
Just like Jesus calmed the sea, ask God to calm your heart and take your thoughts captive. Jesus immediately
asked His disciples, "Why are you so afraid?" "Have you so
little faith? God asks us to be still so that we can receive from His love, comfort, peace,
hope, grace, and guidance in our lives.
The beauty of Good Friday and the Resurrection for
the Christian is that we get to celebrate death and life every day, not just in
April. We get to wake up, die to our flesh and walk in the Spirit. It's all about choices. We are loved
all year around. God loves us and He wants us to love Him right back! Deuteronomy 6:5 reminds us "Love the Lord your God with all your
heart, soul, and will all your strength." How do we show Him
love? We show God love by obeying His word. We show it by loving others and by being His Church to this dying world.
On Good Friday, Jesus, died for our sins. We cannot take that lightly. Surrender your life to Him. Serve Him. Love Him. Make Him your 1st priority in your life. It's God first and then everything else. With God all things are possible, but we just have to be still long enough at His feet to see His majesty. If you feel like your life has been super busy lately, I encourage and challenge you to slow it down, before God does.
#godfirst #matthew6:33 #maranatha
Ten years ago this year, I surrendered my heart to Jesus Christ at a Good
Friday evening service by Pastor Pancho at Montebello Park. I was alone and at
the altar call, I ran like my life depended upon it, because it truly
did. My life as I knew it, would change, forever.
At first I couldn't imagine what was "Good" about
hurting my Jesus and brutally beating Him all the way to the Cross. But, the
Good in "Good Friday" is that God made Him, who knew
no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of
God. Wow!! That just blows my mind!! Seriously!! Christ never sinned! But
He was treated like a sinner all the way to the Cross so that
you and I can live a life of unconditional love, faith, hope, mercy, grace in peace with our
Our Heavenly Father wants all of us to have an opportunity to know
Jesus personally by receiving Him into our hearts and living a life that brings
Him glory. In the past ten years so much has happened in my life. But the one
thing that has remained the same, is the Word of God. His truth is unchanging.
God is unchanging. Praise God! For He Is Good!!
The week of Good Friday, I got really sick with the flu. God
literally had me live out Psalm 46:10; Be Still and know that I Am
God. We all know this verse right? We encourage others with it? We
recite it back to ourselves, but how often are we really L.I.V.I.N.G. I.T. O.U.T? And how long are we being still? Waiting
on Him? We live in a micromanaged world, where we want to be
in control of everything. We want answers in popcorn seconds,
but seriously, that's not how God works. God has His own time
often do we come to the Lord with something, but we don't stop long enough to listen and
be still? With busyness come anxious
thoughts. It's been stated that we have upwards of 50,000 thoughts a day. Those
thoughts aren't always pretty, either. You know the ones; I can't believe I
messed up! I can't do it! It's too hard, I'm going to fail, But, Lord, there's
no money, why haven't I found a soul mate? Why are our children disobedient? Why haven't I received a raise or promotion? What are you
showing me through this Lord? I'm too old, I'm too young... And I'm sure there
are many others... We must learn to tell our thoughts to "Shut up!"
Just like Jesus calmed the sea, ask God to calm your heart and take your thoughts captive. Jesus immediately
asked His disciples, "Why are you so afraid?" "Have you so
little faith? God asks us to be still so that we can receive from His love, comfort, peace,
hope, grace, and guidance in our lives.
The beauty of Good Friday and the Resurrection for
the Christian is that we get to celebrate death and life every day, not just in
April. We get to wake up, die to our flesh and walk in the Spirit. It's all about choices. We are loved
all year around. God loves us and He wants us to love Him right back! Deuteronomy 6:5 reminds us "Love the Lord your God with all your
heart, soul, and will all your strength." How do we show Him
love? We show God love by obeying His word. We show it by loving others and by being His Church to this dying world.
On Good Friday, Jesus, died for our sins. We cannot take that lightly. Surrender your life to Him. Serve Him. Love Him. Make Him your 1st priority in your life. It's God first and then everything else. With God all things are possible, but we just have to be still long enough at His feet to see His majesty. If you feel like your life has been super busy lately, I encourage and challenge you to slow it down, before God does.
#godfirst #matthew6:33 #maranatha
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