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Every year, I pray and ask Jesus to whisper a promise into my heart to end the year with and another to start the new year with. 2014 brought me a lot of challenges. My faith was stretched into new heights and I am very thankful for it all.

Thank you, God for a year filled with trials, joys, sorrows, triumphs and most of all grace. I leave this year knowing that no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper and that no matter what You are faithful and bigger than any giant in this lifetime.

Thank You for the challenges that have been a true blessing in my life, even when I didn't see it. I praise Your name, simply because you are worthy of praise. I continue to run the race into 2015 with a New Hope and vision, praising You along the way. Have Your way, Your will be done, my Jesus ... truly Your promises are refreshing to my heart and soul and without You, I couldn't be half the woman You've created me to be. Amen.

Be encouraged in this New Year and remember that there is nothing too big, too insignificant or too hard for God! Remember that His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts, His. Are. Better. 

My Abba Daddys promise in closing 2014 is in the book of Joel 2:25 I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. Thank You God for every trial and joy. Goodbye 2014! Here's to a New Hope in 2015!

My 2015 promise from Him is in Psalm 65:11.

Happy New Year!! 


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