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Showing posts from August 31, 2014

My Husband and God's Faithfulness!

It's not his Birthday or Fathers Day, but tonight I just wanted to write about this man, I call my husband. His name is Hamilton Franco and while we drive one another crazy at times, I love him! This November, Hamilton and I will celebrate ten years together and this past April 7th we celebrated eight years of marriage. My husband truly does have a big heart!! He loves God , our beautiful kids and his wifey " Yours Truly" . He's not perfect, but he's no quitter either. He'll fight the good fight for the Christian faith, taking hold of his everlasting life to which he's been called to serve us and others. He's committed to provide for us, he helps me around the house and my most treasured blessing of all is his attention to our kids and desire to teach them about our Heavenly Father. I'm thankful for the gift of prayer, the power that it has and the work of the Holy Spirit. On Saturday, I got to come alongside of my husband and witness