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In our Potters Hands

This morning at Church, we had a guest Pastor, John Thomas. He displayed such a heartfelt illustration of clay being molded into a beautiful pitcher. A vessel to be used to pour into others.

As Christians, we too are molded into the imagine of Jesus Christ. God pours into us, so that we can pour into others. 

Did you ever have a class where you had the chance to mold clay into a beautiful piece? I did. And when the Pastor gave us the visual of such scene, I remembered that I frustrated and ended up creating an ashtray!!
I laughed with him because that is exactly what he says most people end up making after giving up on the initial piece they were set out to create. What goes into an ashtray? Ashes. And then I remembered, God makes beauty from ashes! #thankful

As the clay sits on this spinning wheel, we need to yield with it, in order to finish with a beautiful pot. God desires to do the same with us. We are His clay and He wants to continue molding us into His image. But are we being obedient to His will? We need to guard our hearts, guard what comes in and keep the junk out. Grace is not a way to take advantage of God. Grace is a way to come back and stay close to God. A Master potter, can see the inside of the pot, while he is creating it. He will remove anything that doesn't belong in it before he continues. Our Lord is the same way with us. He see's what's inside of our heart, not what is on the outside.

A pot will need to go through the fire, before it's completed. We too, will go through the fire. The fire firms up the pots. The fire we go through will firm up our lives. Pastor Thomas, gave us Psalms 37:23-24- "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand".

What a beautiful promise!! JESUS LOVES US!! He bought us with His life.
If you are in a place where you are not allowing God to mold you into the image of His Son, because there are things in your heart that need extracting, allow Him to clean it all out and begin a new work in you. God loves you and wants to direct your steps right back into His loving arms! #blessedserviceatchurch #ohhowhelovesus#stayconnected
 — at Living Way


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